Saturday, December 17, 2011

"God Bless Texas"

Howdy Ya'll,

Its day 3 of our trip, and we are leaving a frigid OK city.  We had breakfast at the Hampton Inn, it was not as nice and quiet as yesterday morning.  There were "busy bees" everywhere (there must have been a convention going on) and we had not had coffee yet, so we were not ready for all that.  After a few cups of coffee and a good belgium waffle we were ready to restart our I-40 adventure.

The weather was cloudy and rainy which didn't make for exciting traveling, but we made the most of it.  We continued our journey and enjoyed the ride through OK. We loved all the Indian named cities, they were unique and fun to say.  We even named my car Chicotah, after one of our favorites.   There were many random casinos along our OK route but I guess they can't be too random or they wouldn't stay in business.

Next our adventure brought us to Texas.  I was looking forward to the drive because everyone says they are know for tumbleweeds, and of course I had never seen one except in those old westerns my dad watched.  So I had my eyes focused on the road, because I didn't want to miss it.  Well.... we drove and drove and drove and never saw one.  So I went back to being "multi-media" (as Seth so named me since I was taking pics, trying to blog, texting, and posting pics on facebook :)  And just as I became engulfed in my "blog-a-sphere" (again a Seth term :)  Seth said "oh my gosh, look Stef, in the median."  There stood the largest tumbleweed I could have every was the size of a compact car!!!! And praise the Lord it was stationary :)

It continued to rain on our day but we just kept driving.  Along the way we kept seeing signs for  Big Texan Steak Ranch, home of the 72 oz steak.  (yes, if you eat it... it's free)  So Seth and I decided to stop there for lunch and check it out.  The place is an adventure in itself.

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